BGC0002479: miharamycin B biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces miharaensis
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Location: 1 - 43,827 nt. (total: 43,827 nt).
This entry is originally from NCBI GenBank MN850873.1.


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Gene details
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NRPS/PKS domains
General information about the BGC
MIBiG accession BGC0002479
Short description miharamycin B biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces miharaensis
Status Minimal annotation: yes
A minimal annotation only contains information on the BGC loci and one or more linked chemical product(s)

Completeness: Unknown
Whether the loci encodes everything needed for the pathway producing the compound(s)
Biosynthetic class(es)
  • Polyketide
  • NRP
  • Saccharide
Loci NCBI GenBank: MN850873.1
  • miharamycin B
  • miharamycin A
Species Streptomyces miharaensis [taxonomy]
Chemical products information
miharamycin B
Chemical database entries
miharamycin A
Chemical database entries
List of genes involved in compound(s) production
Identifiers Position Product Functions Evidence Extra
  • QHD26299.1
  • mihR1
4853 - 5551 (+) TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26301.1
  • mihL
5535 - 6224 (-) YqcI/YcgG family protein
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26300.1
  • mihM
6221 - 8230 (-) phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase beta chain
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26302.1
  • mihN
8227 - 9072 (-) phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha chain
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26303.1
  • mihO
9077 - 9808 (-) SAM-dependent methyltransferase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26304.1
  • mihA
9880 - 11118 (-) ATP-grasp domain-containing protein
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26305.1
  • mihP
11183 - 11743 (-) 4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26306.1
  • mihR3
12010 - 13284 (-) MFS superfamily transporter
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26307.1
  • mihD
13306 - 13899 (-) TIGR00730 family Rossman fold protein
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26308.1
  • mihE
13886 - 14620 (-) SDR family oxidoreductase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26309.1
  • mihF
14620 - 15243 (-) SAM-dependent methyltransferase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26310.1
  • mihB1
15240 - 16376 (-) FkbH-like protein
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26311.1
  • mihB2
16363 - 17547 (-) acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26312.1
  • mihB3
17544 - 17837 (-) acyl carrier protein
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26314.1
  • mihB4
17841 - 18686 (-) 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26313.1
  • mihB5
18683 - 21769 (-) polyketide synthase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26315.1
  • mihB6
21766 - 24204 (-) non-ribosomal peptide synthetase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26316.1
  • mihG
24204 - 25691 (-) FAD-dependent oxidoreductase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26317.1
  • mihH
25684 - 26724 (-) hypothetical protein
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26318.1
  • mihI
26721 - 27977 (-) hypothetical protein
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26319.1
  • mihC1
27980 - 28927 (-) transketolase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26320.1
  • mihC2
28924 - 29760 (-) transketolase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26321.1
  • mihK
30013 - 31107 (+) gfo/Idh/MocA family oxidoreductase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26322.1
  • mihQ
31114 - 31938 (+) Subunit A of Class III Extradiol ring-cleavage dioxygenase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26323.1
  • mihS
32026 - 32322 (+) Subunit B of Class III Extradiol ring-cleavage dioxygenase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26324.1
  • mihJ
32291 - 33196 (-) ranched-chain amino acid aminotransferase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26325.1
  • mihT
33346 - 34653 (-) alanyl-tRNA synthetase
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
  • QHD26326.1
  • mihR2
35228 - 36571 (-) XRE family transcriptional regulator
copy AA seq
copy Nt seq
Annotation changelog
MIBiG version Submitter Notes
  • Hidden contributor (ID: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, no GDPR consent given).
  • Entry added
  • Hidden contributor (ID: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, no GDPR consent given).
  • Changed chemical structures for compounds: miharamycin A.
  • Added chemical structures for compounds: miharamycin B.
  • Added NPAtlas links to compounds: miharamycin B.
Detailed domain annotation
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A glossary is available here.
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