BGC0002711: nostovalerolactone biosynthetic gene cluster from Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73102
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Location: 2,506,165 - 2,515,566 nt. (total: 9,402 nt).
This entry is originally from NCBI GenBank CP001037.1.


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Gene details
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NRPS/PKS domains
General information about the BGC
MIBiG accession BGC0002711
Short description nostovalerolactone biosynthetic gene cluster from Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73102
Status Quality: questionable
The quality level of this entry.

Status: active
The status of this entry.

Completeness: unknown
Whether the entry covers everything needed for the pathway producing the compound(s)
Biosynthetic class(es)
  • PKS (Unknown)
2506165 - 2515566
  • nostovalerolactone
  • 9-dehydronostovalerolactone
Species Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73102 [taxonomy]
Chemical products information
nostovalerolactone Evidence:
(no structure information available)
9-dehydronostovalerolactone Evidence:
(no structure information available)
List of genes involved in compound(s) production
Identifiers Position Product Functions Evidence Extra
  • Npun_R2065
  • ACC80685.1
2506165 - 2507325 (-) 3-Oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein (ACP)) synthase III
    copy AA seq
    copy Nt seq
    • Npun_R2066
    • ACC80686.1
    2507506 - 2509266 (-) thiamine pyrophosphate enzyme domain protein TPP-binding
      copy AA seq
      copy Nt seq
      • Npun_R2067
      • ACC80687.1
      2509368 - 2510909 (-) AMP-dependent synthetase and ligase
        copy AA seq
        copy Nt seq
        • Npun_R2068
        • ACC80688.1
        2511091 - 2512800 (-) phenylalanine/histidine ammonia-lyase
          copy AA seq
          copy Nt seq
          • Npun_R2069
          • ACC80689.1
          2512911 - 2513912 (-) 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthase III
            copy AA seq
            copy Nt seq
            • Npun_R2070
            • ACC80690.1
            2514043 - 2515311 (-) beta-ketoacyl synthase
              copy AA seq
              copy Nt seq
              • Npun_R2071
              • ACC80691.1
              2515321 - 2515566 (-) acyl carrier protein
                copy AA seq
                copy Nt seq
                Biosynthesis information
                Annotation changelog

                Entry version: 1

                Entry added
                Detailed domain annotation
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                A domain glossary is available here, and an explanation of the visualisation is available here.
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                Similar known gene clusters from MIBiG 4.0
                Shows clusters from the MiBIG database that are similar to the current region. Genes marked with the same colour are interrelated. White genes have no relationship.
                Click on reference genes to show details of similarities to genes within the current region.
                Click on an accession to open that entry in the MiBIG database.