BGC0001013: meridamycin biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces sp.
Shows the layout of the region, marking coding sequences and areas of interest. Clicking a gene will select it and show any relevant details. Clicking an area feature (e.g. a candidate cluster) will select all coding sequences within that area. Double clicking an area feature will zoom to that area. Multiple genes and area features can be selected by clicking them while holding the Ctrl key.
Location: 1 - 116,856 nt. (total: 116,856 nt).
This entry is originally from NCBI GenBank DL080157.1, but has been modified (see Modifications tab for details).


core biosynthetic genes
additional biosynthetic genes
transport-related genes
regulatory genes
other genes
TTA codons
reset zoomreset view
zoomzoom to selection
Gene details
Shows details of the most recently selected gene, including names, products, location, and other annotations.
Select a gene to view the details available for it
NRPS/PKS domains
General information about the BGC
MIBiG accession BGC0001013
Short description meridamycin biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces sp.
Status Quality: questionable
The quality level of this entry.

Status: active
The status of this entry.

Completeness: unknown
Whether the entry covers everything needed for the pathway producing the compound(s)
Biosynthetic class(es)
  • NRPS (Type I)
  • PKS (Unknown)
  • meridamycin
Species Streptomyces sp. [taxonomy]
Chemical products information
meridamycin Evidence:
List of genes involved in compound(s) production
Identifiers Position Product Functions Evidence Extra
  • ctg1_orf1
1 - 231 (+)
    copy AA seq
    copy Nt seq
    • ctg1_orf2
    221 - 1108 (+)
      copy AA seq
      copy Nt seq
      • ctg1_orf3
      1265 - 2830 (+)
        copy AA seq
        copy Nt seq
        • ctg1_orf4
        2827 - 3483 (+)
          copy AA seq
          copy Nt seq
          • ctg1_orf5
          3885 - 4727 (+)
            copy AA seq
            copy Nt seq
            • ctg1_orf6
            4790 - 6673 (+)
              copy AA seq
              copy Nt seq
              • ctg1_orf7
              6878 - 7762 (+)
                copy AA seq
                copy Nt seq
                • ctg1_orf8
                7784 - 8977 (+)
                  copy AA seq
                  copy Nt seq
                  • ctg1_orf9
                  9304 - 10248 (+)
                    copy AA seq
                    copy Nt seq
                    • ctg1_orf10
                    10337 - 10960 (+)
                      copy AA seq
                      copy Nt seq
                      • ctg1_orf11
                      11037 - 12485 (+)
                        copy AA seq
                        copy Nt seq
                        • ctg1_orf12
                        12509 - 12673 (+)
                          copy AA seq
                          copy Nt seq
                          • ctg1_orf13
                          12677 - 14863 (+)
                            copy AA seq
                            copy Nt seq
                            • ctg1_orf14
                            14919 - 16517 (+)
                              copy AA seq
                              copy Nt seq
                              • ctg1_orf15
                              16548 - 17423 (+)
                                copy AA seq
                                copy Nt seq
                                • ctg1_orf16
                                17420 - 18376 (+)
                                  copy AA seq
                                  copy Nt seq
                                  • ctg1_orf17
                                  18381 - 19724 (+)
                                    copy AA seq
                                    copy Nt seq
                                    • ctg1_orf18
                                    19942 - 20940 (+)
                                      copy AA seq
                                      copy Nt seq
                                      • ctg1_orf19
                                      21638 - 26311 (+)
                                        copy AA seq
                                        copy Nt seq
                                        • ctg1_orf20
                                        26335 - 43422 (+)
                                          copy AA seq
                                          copy Nt seq
                                          • ctg1_orf21
                                          43480 - 64788 (+)
                                            copy AA seq
                                            copy Nt seq
                                            • ctg1_orf22
                                            64785 - 88691 (+)
                                              copy AA seq
                                              copy Nt seq
                                              • ctg1_orf23
                                              88681 - 98352 (+)
                                                copy AA seq
                                                copy Nt seq
                                                • ctg1_orf24
                                                98393 - 99586 (+)
                                                  copy AA seq
                                                  copy Nt seq
                                                  • ctg1_orf25
                                                  99736 - 100167 (+)
                                                    copy AA seq
                                                    copy Nt seq
                                                    • ctg1_orf26
                                                    100278 - 100814 (+)
                                                      copy AA seq
                                                      copy Nt seq
                                                      • ctg1_orf27
                                                      101050 - 101175 (+)
                                                        copy AA seq
                                                        copy Nt seq
                                                        • ctg1_orf28
                                                        101214 - 102698 (+)
                                                          copy AA seq
                                                          copy Nt seq
                                                          • ctg1_orf29
                                                          102817 - 103305 (+)
                                                            copy AA seq
                                                            copy Nt seq
                                                            • ctg1_orf30
                                                            103378 - 104232 (+)
                                                              copy AA seq
                                                              copy Nt seq
                                                              • ctg1_orf31
                                                              104343 - 105272 (+)
                                                                copy AA seq
                                                                copy Nt seq
                                                                • ctg1_orf32
                                                                105382 - 106152 (+)
                                                                  copy AA seq
                                                                  copy Nt seq
                                                                  • ctg1_orf33
                                                                  106319 - 107389 (+)
                                                                    copy AA seq
                                                                    copy Nt seq
                                                                    • ctg1_orf34
                                                                    107438 - 107896 (+)
                                                                      copy AA seq
                                                                      copy Nt seq
                                                                      • ctg1_orf35
                                                                      107930 - 109423 (+)
                                                                        copy AA seq
                                                                        copy Nt seq
                                                                        • ctg1_orf36
                                                                        109420 - 110061 (+)
                                                                          copy AA seq
                                                                          copy Nt seq
                                                                          • ctg1_orf37
                                                                          110151 - 111056 (+)
                                                                            copy AA seq
                                                                            copy Nt seq
                                                                            • ctg1_orf38
                                                                            111218 - 111718 (+)
                                                                              copy AA seq
                                                                              copy Nt seq
                                                                              • ctg1_orf39
                                                                              111715 - 113226 (+)
                                                                                copy AA seq
                                                                                copy Nt seq
                                                                                • ctg1_orf40
                                                                                113276 - 113734 (+)
                                                                                  copy AA seq
                                                                                  copy Nt seq
                                                                                  • ctg1_orf41
                                                                                  113916 - 116315 (+)
                                                                                    copy AA seq
                                                                                    copy Nt seq
                                                                                    • ctg1_orf42
                                                                                    116442 - 116855 (+)
                                                                                      copy AA seq
                                                                                      copy Nt seq
                                                                                      Biosynthesis information
                                                                                      Annotation changelog

                                                                                      Entry version: 4

                                                                                      Update chemical activity to schema version 2.11
                                                                                      • (ID: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
                                                                                      • (ID: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)

                                                                                      Entry version: 3

                                                                                      Removed empty gene annotations
                                                                                      • (ID: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
                                                                                      • (ID: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
                                                                                      Updated bioactivity data
                                                                                      • (ID: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
                                                                                      • (ID: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)

                                                                                      Entry version: 2

                                                                                      Migrated from v1.4
                                                                                      • (ID: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
                                                                                      • (ID: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
                                                                                      Updated reference publication(s) (MIBiG Annotathon)
                                                                                      • (ID: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
                                                                                      • (ID: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)

                                                                                      Entry version: 1

                                                                                      • (ID: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
                                                                                      • (ID: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
                                                                                      Detailed domain annotation
                                                                                      Shows NRPS- and PKS-related domains for each feature that contains them. Click on each domain for more information about the domain's location, consensus monomer prediction, and other details.
                                                                                      A domain glossary is available here, and an explanation of the visualisation is available here.
                                                                                      Selected features only
                                                                                      Show module domains
                                                                                      Similar known gene clusters from MIBiG 4.0
                                                                                      Shows clusters from the MiBIG database that are similar to the current region. Genes marked with the same colour are interrelated. White genes have no relationship.
                                                                                      Click on reference genes to show details of similarities to genes within the current region.
                                                                                      Click on an accession to open that entry in the MiBIG database.
                                                                                      Modifications to original record
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf1 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf2 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf3 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf4 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf5 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf6 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf7 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf8 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf9 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf10 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf11 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf12 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf13 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf14 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf15 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf16 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf17 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf18 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf19 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf20 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf21 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf22 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf23 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf24 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf25 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf26 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf27 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf28 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf29 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf30 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf31 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf32 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf33 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf34 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf35 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf36 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf37 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf38 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf39 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf40 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf41 was added
                                                                                      • ctg1_orf42 was added