BGC0001183 - Region 1 - NRPS,NRPS-like,T1PKS,T3PKS,oligosaccharide,other
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Location: 1 - 151,511 nt. (total: 151,511 nt)
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other: (LmbU or Neocarzinostat or bcpB or frbD or mitE or vlmB or prnB or CaiA or bacilysin or orf2_PTase)
T1PKS: cds(PKS_AT and (PKS_KS or ene_KS or mod_KS or hyb_KS or itr_KS or tra_KS))
oligosaccharide: (minimum(3, [DUF1205, Glyco_transf_28, Glycos_transf_1, Glycos_transf_2, MGT]) and minscore(MGT, 150))
NRPS-like: cds((PP-binding or NAD_binding_4) and (AMP-binding or A-OX))
T3PKS: (Chal_sti_synt_C or Chal_sti_synt_N)
NRPS: cds(Condensation and (AMP-binding or A-OX))
T1PKS: cds(PKS_AT and (PKS_KS or ene_KS or mod_KS or hyb_KS or itr_KS or tra_KS))
oligosaccharide: (minimum(3, [DUF1205, Glyco_transf_28, Glycos_transf_1, Glycos_transf_2, MGT]) and minscore(MGT, 150))
NRPS-like: cds((PP-binding or NAD_binding_4) and (AMP-binding or A-OX))
T3PKS: (Chal_sti_synt_C or Chal_sti_synt_N)
NRPS: cds(Condensation and (AMP-binding or A-OX))